Mark-8 Minicomputer Reproduction PCB Set
Make your own Mark-8 minicomputer reproduction with this PCB set consisting of 7 PCB's - 6 original reproduction boards and 1 backplane. The Mark-8 minicomputer is considered to be the first personal computer to be offered as a kit to hobbyists. It was designed by Jon Titus and introduced in the July 1974 issue of Radio Electronics magazine.
These boards are direct copies of the PCB layouts that can be found in the Mark-8 construction manual. That means that original errors may still exist and will need to be corrected as outlined in the Mark-8 bugs document.
This listing is for the unstuffed boards and all required components will need to be sourced by the purchaser. Some of the components, such as the 8263 and 8267 multiplexers, are hard to find. Be sure you are able to source the hard-to-find components before purchasing this set.
Refer to the construction manual for the required components. The following components may be hard to find:
- 8008 Intel Microprocessor
- 8267 MUX
- 8263 MUX
- 1101A1 Memory
Set Contents:
- 1 CPU Board
- 1 Memory Board
- 1 Input Multiplex Board
- 1 Output Ports Board
- 1 Address Latch Board
- 1 LED Register Display Board
- 1 Backplane