For anyone interested in building an Altair 8800 replica you'll need a case. Until recently Mike Douglas had been producing theses over at https://deramp.com/. Unfortunately after doing them for almost a decade he recently decided to stop.
The good news is that Chris Davis of https://adwaterandstir.com/ seems to have picked this up and is making Mike's cases again!
If you need one you can get one here https://adwaterandstir.com/product/altair-reproduction-case/
Mike still produces a front panel set and controller board that is S100 compatible here https://deramp.com/altair_8800c.html
So it is possible to build a full S100 replica of the Altair using this case.
I have one on order, along with the front panel boards. Once they arrive and I start building my replica I will share my progress here.
This is fantastic news! I stumbled upon this forum & post after ordering the TVT boards. I immediately preordered the case from adwater, and had previously bought the altairduio kit. earlier this year i had emailed Mike about the case and got the reply he was no longer making them. This week I will call Mike and order the circuit boards.
I have an IMSAI (which required some repair) and a CompuPro S100, so I'm familiar with S100. Building a modern one will be fun.